CBD Stakeholder Open Webinars on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

27 January 2021

The CBD Stakeholder Open Webinars on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework took place on 12 January. It aimed to increase knowledge and understanding on the link between climate change and biodiversity. The workshop provided an opportunity to collect views and information to be used as a basis in future negotiation.

The framework for managing biodiversity was recognised as requiring taking climate change into account, and it was also recognised that both issues could be addressed by the same actions. Reforestation projects were noted as an example of how climate change efforts to bind carbon dioxide can also preserve biodiversity. Climate change was suggested to be a driver for raising returns and funds for biodiversity protection, through the valuation of nature-based solutions which is a concept used in climate change work. ‘Bundling’ work to meet several goals was seen as a good and effective way forward.

Both the UN CBD and UN FCCC were open for signature simultaneously at the Rio Convention. Now we are facing the final decade where we need to act on these issues and there is a need to find stronger and better links between work under separate conventions to make more progress. Carbon rich coastal ecosystem were highlighted as being of highest priority of protection, noting that these habitats are under the strongest pressure globally. Global focus should be placed on protecting and restoring all high-carbon habitats based on agreed timelines and targets. The panel members setting the scene asked; 1) should there be stronger coordination and integration of CBD and FCC; 2) what are the barriers for cooperation; 3) what are the objections within CBD to climate change work; 4) what concrete steps could be taken at CBD COP 15 and FCCC COP 26 respectively to progress work?

A session of questions, discussions and statements was undertaken for 1.5h. Some observations and statements, in relation to ocean issues, included;

1. PEW, speaking on behalf of several organisations and groups, championed a 30 by 30 goal for area-based protection of the oceans. This target was suggested to also contribute to work of prevent climate change.

2. An objection to coordinative work between CBD and FCCC was suggested to be a possibility of nature-based solutions and offsetting of carbon emissions by corporations would be done to the detriment of biodiversity protection. The issue was recognised, however noted that a wider system change of corporate funding and banking systems would not be addressed through one global multilateral agreement, but rather as a system change by citizens expressing their interests and moving forward. A widening of topics for example through work on the UN SDG was seen as relevant in this respect.

Several interventions and discussion focussed on how to turn science into policy, how to engage stakeholders and how to secure resources for the work that needs to be completed.

Nature based solutions were mentioned and a recent report highlighted by a panellist www.foundations-20.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The-Nexus-Report.pdf