International Council for the Exploration of the Sea/MIRIA meeting

14 January 2016

OSPAR's Deputy Secretary, Emily, is attending a meeting at the offices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) in Denmark this week. OSPAR is invited to this as client and recipient of ICES advice. The meeting offers an opportunity for ICES to provide clients such as OSPAR with an update of how things are progressing as an organisation as well as to inform us of any exciting developments that might contribute to our work, such as improving how we can apply the ecosystem approach in our assessments. Emily will also be providing feedback on how the advice delivered to us last year has been used. The key to getting good advice is being able to articulate the right question – so we also spend some time discussing how to make sure we help each other get this right.

Emily said, “As a recipient of ICES advice, the MIRIA meetings provide an important opportunity to ensure we are getting the best possible advice both in content and, critically, in timing of delivery. The meeting enables a catch-up on recent progress within ICES on issues such as the application of the ecosystem approach to undertaking assessments of the marine environment – an area of mutual interest – as well as to consider where future issues may emerge.”

You can read ICES press release for the event here

Copenhagen at new year: Stig Nygaard via Wikimedia