Contracting Parties have agreed to put the NEAES 2030 Strategy into effect through an implementation plan that contains specific tasks to achieve its objectives. The plan will be a living document, used by OSPAR to record and assess progress (Part I, section 6, NEAES). The plan is supported by OSPAR Agreement 21-02. The implementation plan is complemented by the OSPAR Measures and Actions Programme (MAP), an overarching and integrative instrument to support planning and development and to track progress in implementing measures and actions.
The purpose of the implementation plan is to support the delivery of the NEAES 2030 through establishing a clear line of sight between the strategic and operational objectives of the NEAES 2030 and the regular work of the OSPAR Committees and other subsidiary bodies. The plan specifies tasks to be delivered collectively by Contracting Parties in support of the operational and strategic objectives and provides a means of reporting on their delivery. By integrating all such tasks within a single programme, CoG, HOD and the OSPAR Commission can maintain a regular overview of progress and initiate actions as and when necessary to keep the Strategy on track.
The implementation plan:
• Is a living document, allowing for the addition, amendment or removal of tasks as well as regular reporting;
• Provides key information on tasks, for example showing links to NEAES 2030 objectives, responsible Committees and Contracting Parties, and milestones for delivery;
• Is interlinked with the OSPAR MAP tool;
• Reports on progress with implementation of the Strategy and thereby regularly informs the Commission and – via the website – other interested parties;
• Highlights any risks to delivery of individual tasks or to the programme overall; • Replaces the Committees’ work programmes;
• Provides a focus for improved dialogue between Committees and CoG/HOD/OSPAR Commission over priorities and resourcing;
• Supports evaluation by specifying “evaluation criteria” in the task templates; and
• Strengthens accountability and transparency to external stakeholders.