Ospar Commission
Friday Ocean Findings Issue 49: OSPAR's Radioactive Substances Committee
OSPAR's Radioactive Substances Committee (RSC) met in Lisbon (Portugal) from 6-9 February.

RSC considered annual reports on radioactive discharges from the nuclear and non-nuclear sector and discussions were had as to how to make these reports more user friendly and attractive to a wider audience. Work also progressed on a new OSPAR Indicator for discharges from the nuclear sector, and on environmental concentrations in seawater.

The OSPAR Convention requires Contracting Parties to apply Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) including, where appropriate, clean technology, in its efforts to prevent and eliminate marine pollution. OSPAR Recommendation 2018/01 on Radioactive Discharges aims to prevent and eliminate pollution caused by radioactive discharges from all nuclear industries and their associated radioactive waste treatment facilities and decommissioning activities, by applying BAT and BEP and requires Contracting Parties to report every six years. RSC 2024 received a report from Germany which was approved.

Under the OSPAR strategy NEAES 2030 RSC also progressed its work on discharges from new technologies and applications; and historical dumping sites and historical losses.

RSC agreed to further disseminate the findings of the Quality Status Report 2023 in relation to the prevention of pollution of the OSPAR Maritime Area by ionising radiation and published the 3 fact sheets below.

Adam Stackhouse (UK) chaired the meeting and was supported by vice-chair Carol Robinson (Norway). Vice-chair Anki Haag stood down and RSC welcomed Guilherme Cardosa (Portugal) as the new vice chair.

RSC extended thanks and best wishes to Anki Haag (Sweden) and to Vesa Tanner (European Union) who moved to different roles and will no longer attend RSC meetings. Their dedication and friendship will be missed.
FACT SHEET: Discharges of radioactive substances to the North-East Atlantic
FACT SHEET: Concentrations of radioactive substances in the North-East Atlantic
FACT SHEET: Assessment of naturally occurring radionuclides discharged by the offshore oil & gas industry
For more information, please visit the OSPAR website
OSPAR Commission
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