| | After 6 years of excellent chairing by Victor Escobar (Spain), supported by Vice-Chairs Richard Moxon (UK) and Laura Piriz (Sweden), we now welcome our new Chair and Vice-chairs. The Chair of OSPAR plays an essential role helping the Contracting Parties reach agreement on the main items of business at the annual Commission meeting. The Chair also guides the cross-cutting consideration and further development by Contracting Parties of products delivered by the intersessional groups and the OSPAR thematic Committees. The Chair and Vice-Chairs work closely together, and with the Executive Secretary, to consider both strategic and administrative issues in support of the Commission’s aims and objectives. I look forward very much to working with our excellent new team.
Darius Campbell OSPAR Executive Secretary | | OSPAR Commission meets in Tenerife | Marine Policy makers from around Europe gathered in Tenerife for the annual meeting of the OSPAR Commission for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. |
| | | OSPAR elects Carien Van Zwol (Netherlands) as Chair | OSPAR elected Carien Van Zwol of the Netherlands as the new Chair at its annual meeting. |
| | OSPAR Vice-Chair Laura Piriz (Sweden) | Sweden's Laura Piriz continues as OSPAR Vice-Chair |
| | | OSPAR Vice-Chair Richard Cronin (Ireland) | OSPAR welcomed Ireland's Richard Cronin as a new vice-chair |
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