Ospar Commission
OSPAR's Quality Status Report 2023 Friday Ocean Findings Week 3
Many of the issues facing the North-East Atlantic start on land, so in week 3 of our Friday Ocean Findings newsletters we'll focus on 2 land-based activities - agriculture and waste water.

Agriculture impacts on the aquatic environment, in particular when nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilisers and manures and other agrochemicals such as pesticides run off of the land or are emitted to air and redeposited.

Waste water from domestic and commercial foul water and sewage and industrial sources can result in damaging impacts in the marine environment, particularly through emissions of nutrients, hazardous chemicals including oestrogens and antibiotics as well as litter, including microplastics.

These feeder reports are components of OSPAR’s Quality Status Report (QSR) 2023. The QSR will examine the current state of the marine environment and ecosystems, and the human activities benefiting from the marine environment and interacting with it.

We hope you enjoy these reports. Please do contact us with any comments at [email protected]

Our feeder report on agriculture investigates the status and trends in agriculture in relation to potential impacts in the OSPAR Regions and measures taken to manage these impacts.

Waste water

The 2nd of today's featured feeder reports summarises the status and trends in waste water in relation to potential impacts in the OSPAR area, and measures taken to manage these impacts.

OSPAR Commission
https://www.ospar.org/ | [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7430 5200
The Aspect, 12 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AS, United Kingdom
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