| | Humans and the sea are inextricably linked. This is especially true of the OSPAR Maritime Area where many economically important human activities take place. This week we'll focus on two of these - shipping and ports, and offshore renewable energy generation.
Shipping occurs throughout the North-East Atlantic, with three of the twenty leading container ports globally located in the region. The Greater North Sea, the Celtic Seas, and the Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast continue to have a high density of shipping, with the highest densities in the English Channel, southern and eastern North Sea, and the entrance to the Mediterranean.
The past decade has seen substantial growth in offshore wind with the shallow waters of the North Sea having high and widespread potential making it the world’s leading region for deployed offshore wind capacity. A further major expansion of offshore renewable energy is anticipated in the coming decade and beyond, primarily of offshore wind but also involving tidal and wave power.
These feeder reports are components of OSPAR’s Quality Status Report (QSR) 2023. The QSR will examine the current state of the marine environment and ecosystems, and the human activities benefiting from the marine environment and interacting with it.
We hope you enjoy these reports. Please do contact us with any comments at [email protected] | | | | Offshore renewable energy generation | |
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