Arctic Council CAFF Board meeting 2020
OSPAR attended the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Board meeting organised by the current CAFF Chair, Sweden, in Gällivare, from 3-5 February 2020
Sweden is currently chairing CAFF and organised the meeting. The current meeting was organised in Gällivare and included an excursion to the Boliden AB mine in Aitik, as CAFF working on mainstreaming biodiversity in Arctic mining.
OSPAR became an Observer to the Arctic Council in 2017 and engages with some of their working groups. OSPAR is now working to identify synergies with the group on Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF).
At the CAFF Board meeting, OSPAR presented ongoing work and activities as a basis for identifying areas of work where synergies could be identified.
The presentation by OSPAR was welcomed by CAFF Board members and based on initial discussions it was found that concrete collaboration could be taken forward on assessment and conservation of specific seabird species as well as a general sharing of data and assessment information.