Developing data streams and datasets

19 December 2017

Monitoring data provides the foundations of OSPAR assessments which in turn inform Contracting Parties on the measures that need to be taken. Regular updates of assessments allow OSPAR to follow up on any changes in the environment that can be seen based on the management actions taken. To enable this, OSPAR is currently working intensively on developing operational data streams and regional data sets.

ICG-COBAM held a dedicated data stream workshop on 5 December for the common indicators on non-indigenous species, pelagic habitats, benthic habitats and foodwebs. The workshop developed detailed proposals on how the data flow could be developed to allow for regular indicator updates. The proposals will be further elaborated and considered by the OSPAR Biodiversity Committee meeting in February 2018.

The workshop on Human Activities and Pressure Information (WS-HAPI) 11-12 December identified the priority needs for regional datasets and information in OSPAR. Among the key findings were the need for regionally comparable spatial datasets based on Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and logbook data for fisheries and Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for shipping intensity. Also regionally comparable datasets on physical disturbance were identified as a priority. The proposals will be presented to the OSPAR Environmental Impacts of Human Activities Committee meeting in April 2018.