Eutrophication & riverine and atmospheric inputs meetings

14 February 2018

The OSPAR group of experts on eutrophication (ICG-Eut) met back-to-back with the group of experts on riverine and atmospheric inputs (INPUT) in January in the beautiful, historic city of Ghent.

This year the experts discussed how to rationalise the approaches for assessing individual OSPAR eutrophication common indicators with the thematic Common Procedure for identifying eutrophication and the requirements of the EU’s Commission Decision on good environmental status (2017/848/EU). They developed a plan of work for harmonising these approaches, in preparation for OSPAR’s next Quality Status Report in 2023. This will also involve joint work with the inputs experts and will build on some exciting work with an EU-funded project on using satellite data for observing and assessing chlorophyll (JMP EUNOSAT).

The expert group was sorry to lose Germany’s participation. Uli Claussen was warmly thanked for all his hard work as a Co-convenor of the group. His excellent chairmanship over the years will be greatly missed.

Germany's Uli Claussen with co-convenor Hans Ruiter from the Netherlands