Final workshop of the Joint Monitoring Programme of the Eutrophication of the North-Sea with Satellite data (JMP EUNOSAT)

11 February 2019

Deputy Secretary, Jo Foden, represented OSPAR at the final workshop of the JMP-EUNOSAT project, which set out to develop methods and proposals for monitoring eutrophication in the North Sea with a focus on chlorophyll and the use of satellites.

The workshop presented excellent work on: estimation of coherent reference conditions for chlorophyll and thereby assessment thresholds for different parts of the North Sea and adjacent areas; the use of satellite data for estimation of chlorophyll, and; a proposal for a joint monitoring program including all the steps from data collection to the final assessment.

The JMP EUNOSAT project coordinator, Lisette Enserink, made every effort to involve OSPAR’s eutrophication experts throughout the period of the project. Consequently the eutrophication experts plan to take up the outputs and recommendations of the project in their future work towards the next application of the Common Procedure for identifying eutrophication in the North-East Atlantic, subject to approval by the Committee.

More information can be found here