17 February 2020

MEDREGION is supporting Mediterranean member states towards the implementation of the MSFD Commission Decision on GES and programmes of measures and it contributes to regional/sub-regional cooperation.

OSPAR is part of the advisory board and in February Jo Foden attended MEDREGION’s annual General Assembly in ISPRA, Rome. The Coordinator, Popi Pagkou explained the very difficult challenges this ambitious project is working hard to address. In particular MEDREGION faces data availability issues in its efforts to support competent authorities in meeting their commitments to deliver good environmental status in the Mediterranean Sea.

MEDREGION has created a comprehensive catalogue of programmes of measures across Mediterranean EU member states. Enthusiastic and knowledgeable experts carried out SWOT analysis exercises to identify ways of harmonising and strengthening joint programmes of measures to better protect biodiversity in the Mediterranean, at the sub-regional scale.

We also participated in two very active workshops. The first was about how to select and aggregate indicators to assess good environmental status. The second explored the effects of pollution upon biodiversity, with three parallel sessions focusing on the effects of chemical pollution, marine litter and nutrients on biota and biodiversity in the Mediterranean. The outcome was advice on how to improve and harmonise biodiversity monitoring, how to identify key risks to biodiversity, and the best methods for understanding the adverse effect of contamination on biodiversity.

Good luck to the MEDREGION team in its final year of the project.



ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research):