OSPAR's attendance at the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive conference

27 May 2021

The European Commission had commissioned the study Coordinated assessments of marine species and habitats under the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

The overall objective of the study was to establish an evidence-based understanding of the current level of coordination, alignment and efficiency of the BHD and MSFD monitoring, assessment and reporting on marine species and habitats.

The final conference meeting was organised with a view of exchanging reflections on the recommendations from the meeting. Further steps would be taken based on the findings to reach the goal of assessing once and using many times.

The recommendations from the work on how to reach better alignment between EU MSFD and EU BHD would be forwarded for next steps in the appropriate working groups in the EU. The report will be made available as a published report in due time.