OSPAR’s meeting on marine litter 2021
OSPAR’s enthusiastic marine litter experts met online from 9-10 June 2021.
The meeting agreed a new communication toolkit for its first regional action plan for marine litter (ML-RAP) 2014-21 and progress was made on other outstanding actions. Updates were also given on the progress of indicators which will contribute towards OSPAR’s next full assessment of the North-East Atlantic due in 2023 (the QSR). The seafloor litter, beach litter and microplastics in sediment expert groups all reported that they had been made substantial progress on their indicators.
The group’s main task was to work on the development of Phase II of the RAP. The group worked through a list of possible marine litter actions to be included in Phase II which had come from an earlier brainstorming workshop. The list was further refined, and the skeleton, actions and outlines of Phase II considered. A consultation document seeking input to the new RAP will be issued shortly.
As ever the group worked with great energy and an incredible amount of progress made in the short 2-day meeting. The summary record of the meeting will be made available on the website in due course.