United Nations Climate Change Conference - Bonn 2017
The Secretariat participated in a French side event at the COP 23 UN Climate Change Conference held in Bonn (Germany), which aimed to present and share best practices and replicable processes currently implemented in different Regional Sea Conventions to which France was a party. The actions were linked with the transition to sustainable development and connected with the resilience and adaptation to climate change for marine and coastal territories.
The Secretariat presented the OSPAR Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter as an example of best practice that could be shared with other regions, including the active cooperation with other European Regional Seas Conventions (e.g. HELCOM, the Barcelona Convention and the Black Sea Commission).
As an outcome of the event France aimed to supply a concrete contribution to the Partnership for Regional Ocean Governance (PROG) initiated in 2015 by IDDRI, IASS and UNEP, which was presented by Germany.