Marine birds are in trouble in the North-East Atlantic. To address this OSPAR Contracting Parties affirmed in our North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy (NEAES) 2030 that "by 2025 at the latest OSPAR will take appropriate actions to prevent or reduce pressures to enable the recovery of marine species and benthic and pelagic habitats in order to reach and maintain good environmental status as reflected in relevant OSPAR status assessments, with action by 2023 to halt the decline of marine birds."
The NEAES 2030 is the means by which we implement the OSPAR Convention in the period 2020-2030. Through the NEAES 2030 we reaffirm our commitment to protect the marine environment to achieve our vision of a clean, healthy and biologically diverse North-East Atlantic Ocean, which is productive, used sustainably and resilient to climate change and ocean acidification.
This page brings together the latest assessments, measures and workstreams that OSPAR is undertaking to fulfill its obligation under the NEAES 2030.