CoG (Coordination Group)
The function of OSPAR’s Coordination Group (CoG) is to ensure integration of OSPAR work and delivery of the ecosystem approach, in line with the OSPAR Strategy. CoG is a high-level subsidiary body of OSPAR comprising representatives of all Contracting Parties supported by their technical experts as appropriate, Observers, and the Chairs of all main Committees. CoG usually meets bi-annually.
CoG guides the work of OSPAR by making sure that all elements for delivering the ecosystem approach are taken into account, including integrated management of human activities, weighting of priorities and resource implications. CoG also supports Contracting Parties that are EU member states by facilitating coordination of their implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) within the OSPAR Maritime Area. CoG also oversees OSPAR’s Coordinated environmental monitoring programme (CEMP), the Joint assessment and monitoring programme (JAMP), economic and social analysis, cumulative effects assessment, climate change and ocean acidification.
CoG has several subsidiary bodies that provide the scientific and technical work necessary for CoG to deliver the ecosystem approach:
- Intersessional Correspondence Group for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (ICG-MSFD).
- Intersessional Correspondence Group on Ecosystem assessment outlook – Cumulative effects (ICG-Eco-C).
- Intersessional Correspondence Group on Economic and Social Analysis (ICG-ESA).
- Intersessional Correspondence Group for Ocean Acidification (ICG-OA).
Terms of Reference for OSPAR's Coordination Group (CoG)
Work Programme for CoG 2019/20
Data reporting deadlines
Biodiversity and Ecosystems Committee
Hazardous Substances and Europhication Committee