The objective of QSR 2023 is to assess the environmental status of the North East Atlantic against the objectives of the North East Atlantic Environmental Strategy 2010-2020 (NEAES 2020), evaluate any updated or additional objectives from NEAES 2020-2030, and identify the priority elements for actions to achieve OSPAR’s vision of a clean, healthy and biologically diverse North-East Atlantic Ocean, which is productive, used sustainably and resilient to climate change and ocean acidification. In addition QSR 2023 may be used by Contracting Parties that are also EU Member States to support their reporting obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The QSR 2023 Guidance Document is the main steering document for the process. The document provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of the scope, structure, contents, timeline, work flows and procedures in delivering the QSR 2023. OSPAR 2019 agreed the QSR2023 guidance document which will steer the continuing work on QSR2023 delivery.
Resources to be used by experts and delegates working on delivering the QSR 2023 are made available on this webpage. SharePoint is used as the document management system.