B.4.7 Prevent and reduce marine litter from aquaculture
Action Theme: Theme B: Actions to reduce sea-based sources of marine litter
Action number: B.4.7
Action Title: Prevent and reduce marine litter from aquaculture
Lead Party(ies): United Kingdom with support from Norway and Sweden
Image: ©Shutterstock
What is the issue?
Aquaculture is increasing in the North East Atlantic and can result in loss of plastics and other forms of litter into the environment. OSPAR can encourage the prevention, reduction and retrieval of marine litter from aquaculture activities through implementation of the waste hierarchy to reduce, reuse and recycle more materials involved in aquaculture practice.
What has OSPAR done?
OSPAR will work to prevent and reduce marine litter from aquaculture by gathering information, promoting good practice, and developing guidelines on litter prevention, monitoring, retrieval and site decommissioning.
Due to the lack of information around the contribution of aquaculture to marine litter, stakeholder engagement is key in this action to ensure stakeholder buy in ahead of the development of more robust actions. This will be achieved through a focus on awareness raising and good practice evaluation initially, followed by more robust actions that implement measures within licensing and standard operating procedures.
Final outputs and published reports
This action will build the evidence base with a view to publish best practice guidance by the end of 2023 and contribute to the CEN standard on Circularity and recyclability of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment. Looking towards 2024, OSPAR will consider if there are measures that can be taken.