B.5.2 Plastic substances contained in offshore chemicals
Action Theme: Theme B: Actions to reduce sea-based sources of marine litter
Action number: B.5.2
Action Title: Plastic substances contained in offshore chemicals
Lead Party(ies): United Kingdom through OSPAR's Offshore Industry Committee (OIC)
Image: ©Shutterstock
What is the issue?
In 2013 OSPAR Offshore Industry Committee (OIC) discussed the potential concerns associated with the use and discharge of Lost Circulation Materials (LCMs) containing plastics during drilling operations. Concerns were specifically related to those LCMs containing plastics in the solid phase. OIC subsequently agreed that if zero discharges of LCMs containing plastics during an operation could not be guaranteed, then the LCMs should not be permitted for use in that operation.
Further investigations have revealed that there are other offshore chemical products that contain plastic substances, which are used and discharged during other offshore oil and gas activities. Therefore, these chemical products may need to be considered in the context of the proposed definitive action to control the use and discharge of LCMs containing plastics. Given the growing concerns related to plastics in the marine environment, including microplastics, , it is considered relevant to review the amount of plastic discharged by the offshore oil and gas industry, and the extent to which the discharges may contribute to the wider marine litter issue and where necessary introduce control measures.
What has OSPAR done?
OSPAR will determine the extent of use and discharge of plastic substances, including microplastics, contained in offshore chemicals and, where necessary, develop measures to control or phase out their use.
Final outputs and published reports
It is planned that this action will deliver an annual Expert Assessment Panel report and a report on the extent of the use of Lost Circulation Materials and discharge of plastic substances, including, microplastics, contained in offshore chemicals.