B.2.1 Manage end-of-life recreational vessels
Action Theme: Theme B: Actions to reduce sea-based sources of marine litter
Action number: B.2.1
Action Title: Manage end-of-life recreational vessels
Lead Party(ies): United Kingdom with support from Belgium and Sweden
Image: ©Shutterstock
What is the issue?
End of life recreational vessels are a source of marine litter when abandoned offshore or on shorelines (including ports), their degradation leading to macro and micro litter spreading with wind and oceanographic processes.
What has OSPAR done?
OSPAR is applying the concept of life cycle management to other products that are the source of marine litter, and such an approach is also required for recreational vessels. This is particularly important with the increased promotion of marine tourism sectors across the region when combined with an aging fleet of boats constructed with glass re-enforced plastic.
Final outputs and published reports
It is anticipated that this action will deliver the following outputs by 2024/5:
- a methodology to estimate the quantity, distribution and material composition of EOL recreational vessels for use by Contracting Parties.
- guidance to support waste management of EOL recreational vessels.
An EOL recreational vessel inventory returns to provide an estimate for the OSPAR region.