A.2.2 Reduce macro litter losses in wastewater treatment systems
Action Theme: Theme A: Actions to reduce land-based sources of marine litter
Action number: A.2.2
Action Title: Reduce macro litter losses in wastewater treatment systems
Lead Party(ies): France
Link to other actions: Action 42: Best practice to prevent litter entering into water ways
Image: ©Sabina Bredemeier
What is the issue?
This is a major source of macroplastics entering the ocean and is a transboundary issue. With increasing climate change, the frequency of storm overflows has the potential to increase.
What has OSPAR done?
OSPAR will review the development of technical and operational measures to retrieve macro litter in wastewater systems, including through sewage discharges from storm overflows. This action will gather knowledge on the efficiency of the various devices available and encourage uptake of the most suitable. This action very much builds on the Review of BAT/BEP in Urban Waste Water Treatment Systems (OSPAR, 2019) delivered under Action 42 of RAP 1.
Final outputs and published reports
The action aims to deliver an evaluation report on pilot projects and best practice guidelines.