Action 32, Action 33 and Action 38: Inspections, penalties and fines

Action Number: 32, 33 and 38

Action Title:

32 - Identify best practice in relation to inspections for MARPOL Annex V ship generated waste, including better management of reporting data, taking into consideration the Paris MOU on port state control.

33 - Seek dialogue with the Paris MOU to take the risk of illegal waste discharges into consideration for the prioritisation of port state control inspections.

38 - Analyse penalties and fines issued by Contracting Parties for waste disposal offences at sea to highlight the differences, trends, problem areas and issues to relevant organisations, such as the North Sea Network of Investigators and Prosecutors.

Lead Party(ies): Germany, with assistance of Seas at Risk, the Secretariat, the North Sea Network of Prosecutors and HELCOM Secretariat.