List of substances of possible concern - Annex to the List of Chemicals for Priority Action

OSPAR 2023 agreed that the List of Substances of Possible Concern (previously identified as OSPAR Agreement 2002-17) should be included as an annex to the OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action (OSPAR Agreement 2004-12). The OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern (LSPC) identifies substances that may be a threat to the marine environment. The LSPC is divided into 4 sections:

Section A details substances which warrant further work by OSPAR because they do not meet the criteria for Sections B – D and substances for which, for the time being, information is insufficient to group them in Sections B – D

Section B contains substances which are of concern for OSPAR but which are adequately addressed by EC initiatives or other international forums

Section C contains substances which are not produced and/or used in the OSPAR catchment or are used in sufficiently contained systems making a threat to the marine environment unlikely

Section D lists substances which appear not to be “hazardous substances” as understood in the context of OSPAR’s work, but where the evidence is not conclusive

ECHA website with REACH registration information