Discharges from non-nuclear installations
The OSPAR Commission collects and publishes annual reports on discharges of radioactive substances from non-nuclear installations including the oil and gas sub-sector.
The OSPAR Commission carries out annual collection of data on discharges from the non-nuclear sector to review progress towards the Strategy. The Radioactive Substances Strategy sets the objective of preventing pollution of the OSPAR maritime area from ionising radiation through progressive and substantial reductions of discharges, emissions and losses of radioactive substances, with the ultimate aim of concentrations in the environment near background values for naturally occurring radioactive substances and close to zero for artificial radioactive substances.
The OSPAR Commission has reported data on discharges from the non-nuclear sector since 2005 following the guidance in OSPAR Agreement 2013-11. OSPAR’s non-nuclear reporting covers;
- the oil & gas sector:
- the medical sector;
- universities and research centres;
- the phosphate industry;
- titanium dioxide pigment manufactures;
- primary steel manufacture;
- radiochemical production.