Discharges from nuclear installations
The OSPAR Commission collects and publishes annual reports on discharges of radioactive substances from nuclear installations.
The OSPAR Commission publishes annual reports on discharges of radioactive substances from nuclear installations.
Work to prevent and reduce pollution from ionising radiation in the North-East Atlantic was first undertaken within the framework of the former 1974 Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources (the “Paris Convention”). The OSPAR Strategy aims to prevent and progressively reduce discharges of radioactive substances
OSPAR has collected discharge data from nuclear installations since 1986 and following guidance since 1995. Discharge data from Contracting Parties covers both operational and exceptional discharges and is reported for nuclear power stations, nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, nuclear fuel fabrication and enrichment plants and nuclear research and development facilities. The OSPAR Commission maintains a database of the nuclear installations discharging directly or indirectly to the OSPAR area.