Data submission & deadlines

Here you will find the current reporting formats, instructions and deadlines for the reporting of data related to the Environmental Impacts of Human Activities Committee

Group DatastreamData ManagerSubmission Deadline
EIHAEncounters with conventional and chemical munitionsODIMS01/09
Dredged Material EAPDumping and placement of wastes and other matter at seaODIMS01/10
ICG-MLFishing for LitterODIMS31/12
ICG-NOISEImpulsive noiseData Centre; ICES01/10
ICG-MLSeabed LitterData Centre; ICES15/12
ICG-MLPlastic particles in Fulmars' stomachsODIMS31/12
EIHASustainability education programmes for fishersOSPAR Secretariat31/01 every 3 years
EIHAOffshore renewable energy developmentsODIMS01/01
ICG-MLMarine Litter Beach MonitoringOSPAR Secretariat4 times per year

Reporting formats and guidance