Substances of possible concern

The OSPAR List of Substances of Possible Concern (LSPC) was adopted in 2002 (Accord OSPAR 2002-17). The list contains substances that might merit action by OSPAR due to their persistency, liability to bioaccumulate and toxicity or other equivalent concern. Fact sheets have been prepared for each of the substances of possible concern, detailing available information on e.g. intrinsic properties, exposure and legislation as explained in the “glossary on LSPC”.

OSPAR 2023 agreed to include the LSPC as an annex to the OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action.

In light of developments in the chemicals sector in the European Community, namely developments under the Water Framework Directive and the Regulation on registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (REACH), OSPAR will undertake a wholesale review of the LSPC. The aim is to identify those substances which are of concern to the marine environment, and to which therefore the commitments of the North-East Atlantic Environment Strategy should apply, but which are not covered adequately by the EC framework or some other international forum.

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